10 aprilie 2009


Think about this:

You've just posted a new article but all your visitors are busy reading other posts. Wouldn't it be nice if you could just live notify them that a new post has been written and give them a link to it?

Now you can with "WP-LatestPost"!!

* Feel free to customize the plugin.
* Have in mind that i made this plugin for my blog and I am sharing it here because i have nothing else better to do.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working:

1. Upload ` wp-latestpost` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory on your server
2. Activate the plug-in through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Customize it by editing the wp-latestpost.php with an editor like Notepad

You are all set :P

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do i modify the design of the notifier?
A: You just go to the wp-latestpost folder end edit the templat.html

Download it from the wordpress repository:  http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-latestpost/

10 comentarii:

  1. Nu poti face ceva sa nu mai apara pe fiecare pagina.
    Sau sa apara doar odata per user???
    Ar fi super.
    Apropo...super plugin!

  2. Nu ar fi logic sa il fac sa apara doar pe o anumaita pagina. Ideea e sa strangi userii de pe tot site-ul intr-un singur loc ( noului post ).

    Nu vad de ce sa il fac once per user.. Ai de gand sa postezi cate 10 posturi odata?

    Merci :P

  3. Nu cred ca mai inteles...
    Nu ti se pare enervant cand iti tot apare mesajul de fiecare data cand navighezi pe site? Ar trebuii sa apara o singura data.
    Deci...cand ai postat articolul sa iti apara(sa te instiinteze) iar apoi sa mai apara doar cand va fi postat alt articol(nou). Nu sa apara de fiecare data...chiar daca e acelasi post..ma intelegi?
    M-i se pare enervant...

  4. Aaaa, deci ce ziceai tu e un bug!! Nu ar trebuii sa faca asta, am sa verific.

    In principal asigura-te ca nu ai instalat wp-super-catche ( au mai avut si altii probleme ) si ca debug nu e setat 1 in fisierul php al pluginului.

  5. hi,
    first off all thank u so much for ur plug in i haven looking for that kind of plug in for along time.
    but there is a minor bug.
    the %title% dosent support utf-8 so the title look like this ׳©׳’׳©׳“׳’׳©׳“׳’׳
    can u please fix this issue?
    i really want to use this plugin in my site and i guess a lot of pepople that writing in language that support with utf-8 .
    thank u so much.

  6. Thanks, i was looking for something for a long time to, but i didn't find anything so i made it myself.

    I fixed the utf-8 encoding problem and now i think it should work. Update to 1.1 as soon as it is released.

  7. thanks man!
    can u assume when u will update it?
    ur doing an awesome work!

    waiting to more plug in form u...

  8. hi man how are?
    i hope iam not rude,is there any chance that u can send me the update version with the utf-8 fix to my email please?

  9. I'm using the newest version of wordpress and the notifier reloads the page and produces a blank page.

    Any help?

  10. @rich miller No problem here. I just tested it. Try changing the theme or give me your url so i can test it myself.
