- Astazi este maine despre care ne-am facut griji ieri.
- Ultimele statistici arata ca trei din patru persoane fac 75% din populatie.
- Din moment ce istorie nu se termina niciodata, unde incepe viitorul?
- In doar doua zile, maine va fi ieri.
- Imagineaza-ti o lume fara situati ipotetice.
- Gandeste-te la o persoana cu o inteligenta medie, apoi gandeste-te ca jumatate din lume e mai proasta decat ea.
- Pasarea care se trezeste devreme prinde viermisorul dar viermisorul care se trezeste mai tarziu traieste.
- Paharul nu e nici pe jumate gol nici pe jumate plin .. este doar cu jumate mai mare decat ar fi trebuit sa fie.
- Daca un cuvant in dictionar este scris gresit, cum iti dai seama?
- Perfectiunea sta in repetitie dar daca nimeni nu poate fi perfect, ce rost are sa repeti?
- Daca maine o sa fie de doua ori mai frig ca astazi si astazi sunt 0 grade, cat de frig o sa fie maine?
- "Daca pui o propozitie intre ghilimele, lumea va cred ca cineva important a spus-o si propozitia va devenii la randul ei celebra."
- Eu spun adevarul, tot ce spun e o minciuna.
- Cum arunci la gunoi un cos de gunoi?
- Daca o persoana cu dedublare de personalitate ameninta ca se sinucide, e asta o situatie cu ostatici?
- Daca un ghicitor poate sa giceasca numerele la loto, de ce nu e bogat? [/ro]
[en]Some questions that make you think:
- How can you miss me if I don't go away?
- If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?
- Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday.
- The latest survey shows that three out of four people make up 75% of the population.
- Since history never stops, when does the future begin?
- In just two days, tomorrow will be yesterday.
- Imagine a world without hypothetical situations.
- Think of someone of "average" intelligence. Then think half the world is dumber than that.
- The early bird may get the worm, but the late rising worm lives.
- A bird can fly but a fly can't bird. Think about it!
- The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It is twice as large as it needs to be.
- If a word in the dictionary were misspelled, how would we know?
- Practice makes perfect but no one is perfect so why practice?
- If tomorrow is going to be twice as cold as it iss today, and if today is 0 degrees, how cold will it be tomorrow?
- "If you put something in quotation marks, then everyone will think someone famous said and they'll start saying it and then eventually it will be famous."
- I'm telling the truth, everything I say is a lie.
- How do you throw away a trash can?
- If a person with multiple personalities threatens suicide, is that a hostage situation?
- If psychics know the winning lottery numbers why are they still working?
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