11 mai 2008


This plugin is currently broken because the provider is now limiting the number of request from the plugins api key. I am currently searching for a new provider for the snapshots and i will update the plugin as soon as possible.

It's pretty annoying when people that comment on your blog don't have a gravatar. Wordpress gives them a default picture, or if you have the plugin a geometric image.
Now, I've got another alternative: Their blog's screenshot!! All you have to do is fallow the steps in install.

  • Feel free to customize the plugin.
  • Have in mind that this is the beta and I expect some bugs.

What's new in 1.1??

  • Added urlencode() to the plugin so now you can safely pass variables to websnapr.com
  • By adding urlencode() i fixed the size bug.

What's new in 1.2??

  • Added snapshots support to tracebacks using If().
  • Added an explode() function to parse long webadressex ( ex: http://site.com/site/site2/site3.html ) .

What's new in 1.3?? - Nothing, i just fixed a big big bug :))

What's new in 1.4??

What's new in 1.5??

  • Preventing google bot and other bots from indexing the plugin's folder and fixed the plugin direct link bug.

More good things to come, until then: You can download the plugin from wordpress.

If you like this, you will love WP-LatestPost

11 comentarii:

  1. [...] information, si vous n’avez pas d’avatar, j’ai mis en place un plugin qui affichera une capture d’écran de votre site / blog si l’adresse a été remplie [...]

  2. hi. Thanks for plugin



  3. My apologies about the bug report, but I tried e-mailing you and it got sent back.

    I'm the author of Ajax Edit Comments, and there seems to be some incompatibility.

    On line 43, the result is echoed out. Since it is a WordPress filter, this result should be returned.

    Thanks and take care.

  4. [...] WP-SnapAvatar each user is not using Gravatar head, so Wordpress built-in Gravatar also unsatisfactory time. Each user is not for their own site will create a Favicon icon, so we referred to above Favatar this is not plug-in will be able to perfect. But at least each have their own site's users are sure to generate site thumbnails. WP-SnapAvatar born with such feelings. It is a message will capture those sites to make shots to the head of the Wordpress plug-in show. If the message did not show how this site » Set a default image. [...]

  5. [...] WP-SnapAvatar 并不是每个用户都使用Gravatar头像,所以Wordpress内置的Gravatar也有不尽人意的时候.并不是每个用户都会为自己的网站制作一个 Favicon图标,所以我们上面提到的Favatar这个插件也不见得就能尽善尽美.但至少每个拥有自己网站的用户都肯定能生成网站缩略图.WP- SnapAvatar带着这样的心情诞生.它是一个会捕获留言者网站截图来作来头像显示的Wordpress插件.而如果留言者没有网站怎么显示呢?设置 一张默认图片. [...]

  6. like the plugin but it don't take any snap of visitors blogs, it have done that earlier but now after the last update it don't do it,, any suggestions it can be wrong?
