30 aprilie 2008

Feed Playlist

[ro]Haideti sa va arat o smekerie darkx-studios pe care pana acum am tinut-o pentru mine. Daca va duceti frumos pe http://darkx-studios.com/m3u.php puteti downloada un playlist winamp cu melodiile din feed-ul de muzica.

Inca nu e complet functionala smekeria da am zis sa v-o arat si voua. Eu am facut-o pentru ca vroiam sa ascult melodiile cand plec la scoala. Dar fiti pe faza, m3u-ul nu se modifica cand eu modifc feedul asa ca daca vedeti o melodie noua trebuie sa o downlodati din nou.[/ro]

[en] Let me show you a cool trick that darkx-studios.com does. If you like the music in my feed you can now get it as an winamp playlist. You just have to go to http://darkx-studios.com/m3u.php and you will get an download with an m3u playlist.

But be warn, the m3u playlist doesen't automaticly update with the feed, you have to download it.[/en]

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